Kurt Dubbe, AIA
Principal and Founder
Kurt is one of the two founding partners at DMA. 他在弗吉尼亚理工大学和明尼苏达大学学习建筑和历史保护. In addition to residential and interior design, 库尔特对历史保护和社区振兴保持着强烈的热情. 他是提顿县历史保护委员会的创始成员和前任主席. 他目前是怀俄明州国家登记提名审查委员会成员, and the Wyoming Monuments and Markers Advisory Committee, 也是国家历史保护信托基金会的顾问委员会成员. 库尔特的兴趣包括与妻子和家人在蒙大拿州西北部的山间小屋共度时光, and their place near South Pass City in central Wyoming.
Chris Moulder, AIA
Principal and Founder
Chris is the other founding partner at DMA. Originally from Huntington, Connecticut, 他想探索更多的美国,并选择在堪萨斯州立大学攻读建筑学学位, with a special emphasis on vernacular architecture. Upon graduation, Chris (and his wife Jolene, office manager at DMA) moved to Jackson, 在与库尔特·杜布联合成立DMA之前,他曾在当地的其他公司工作. 克里斯积极参与社区活动,执教过少年棒球联盟和贝比·鲁斯棒球队. 他目前在Rafter J Ranch建筑审查委员会任职,也是提顿县公园的前任成员 & Recreation Board and the Jackson Hole Youth Baseball Board. He enjoys playing softball, fly fishing, and photography.
Learn more about Kurt and Chris in this featured article in Western Home Journal.
Mackenzie King
Architect-in-Training, Project Manager
Mackenzie来自华盛顿,在华盛顿州立大学获得了建筑学学士和硕士学位. Before coming to Dubbe Moulder, 麦肯齐曾在大提顿国家公园的西部历史保护中心实习. 她擅长平面设计、素描和建筑模型. Mackenzie loves living in Jackson Hole as she’s an avid hiker, fisher, kayaker, snowboarder and Nordic skier.
John Fabian
Project Manager
John is from the farm country of Southern Illinois. 他在约翰大学获得了建筑技术应用科学副学士学位. Logan College, 并在卡本代尔的南伊利诺伊大学获得建筑学学士学位. After high school, 约翰在美国陆军和伊利诺伊州陆军国民警卫队服役七年,担任炮兵前沿观察员和拳头队长. 离开军队生活后,约翰和他的妻子搬到了杰克逊地区. 约翰是一个狂热的射手和猎人,喜欢射击粘土鸽子和狩猎大型猎物和水禽在世界各地.
Ben Luigi Weisbeck
Project Manager
Ben is originally from Attica, New York, 在他上大学学习建筑之前,他在父亲的建筑公司做了很多年的木匠. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture from Alfred State University. Ben热衷于用历史建筑实施新的建筑实践,以及为环境设计. He enjoys the outdoors when not at work: back-country skiing, hiking, 山地自行车和白水漂流是他最喜欢的消遣.
Nereida Ortiz
CAD Specialist
Born in Durango, Mexico and raised in Tetonia, Idaho from the age of 4, Nery(发音为net-TEE)拥有起草科学副学士学位 & CAD Technology from High-Tech Institute in Phoenix, Arizona. She has now been a drafter for the past TWENTY years and, 她来自一个努力工作的移民家庭,他们都激励了她, 她将他们同样的职业道德和对细节的关注应用到绘图领域. The loves of her life are her two sons and her husband; together they enjoy camping, fishing, four-wheeling, snowmobiling and traveling.
Ethan Moulder
Architect-in-Training, Project Manager
Ethan joined the DMA team as an architect intern in 2019. 他是DMA校长Chris Moulder的儿子,就读于堪萨斯州立大学,并获得了建筑学硕士学位. He was inspired at a very young age by his father’s profession. He is now close to becoming a licensed architect, working on his fourth exam out of six, and intends to use his time wisely at DMA by learning all he can. When not working, remaining true to his original passion as a child, Ethan likes to build things, and he enjoys a variety of sports and outdoor activities.
Atia Rahman
Atia just joined the DMA team. She was born in India and grew up in Qatar. 她在印度Birla理工学院获得了建筑学学士学位,随后在堪萨斯州立大学获得了为期两年的建筑学硕士学位. Her skills using AutoCAD, Revit, Rhino, Sketchup, and V-ray, as well as Adobe Suite, have prepared her well to start her professional career. She loves watching movies and has a passion for languages.
Read our blog post on her answers to our questions.
Andy Bocardo
CAD Specialist
Born in Hueyotlipan, Tlaxcala, Mexico, but raised in the Teton Valley area, 安迪第一次接触建筑世界是通过他的第一份混凝土工人的工作. 与父亲一起工作时,他看到了自己的第一套计划,并知道自己想成为一名建筑师. 这是他在爱达荷大学完成建筑学学士学位的最后一个学期, 他的目标是通过可持续的实践来帮助设计环境. Coming from an immigrant family with two younger siblings, 他觉得做老大一直很艰难,因为他想向父母证明,他们的努力得到了回报,并成为弟弟妹妹们的榜样,告诉他们只要努力,一切皆有可能. 他目前已婚,希望在不久的将来组建一个家庭.
Evan Wendte
Evan在2021年完成了她在DMA的学术实习,并于2022年5月在堪萨斯州立大学获得了建筑学硕士学位. 她渴望回到杰克逊的办公室,并立即投入了几个项目. 她对建筑的热情源于对艺术的热爱和对服务的奉献. Both born and raised in Kansas, 埃文和她的丈夫马修很喜欢他们在星谷的新家.
You can read here the answers to a series of questions we asked her.
Claudia Ramos
我们非常高兴最近欢迎Claudia Ramos加入我们的DMA团队. Born in Peru, 克劳迪娅在利马里卡多帕尔马大学获得建筑和城市规划学士学位. After graduating in 2019, she began her architectural career, 从事住宅和商业项目以及室内设计. During the pandemic she was able to move to Jackson. Claudia’s skills in Autocad, ArchiCAD, Sketchup, and V-ray, as well as Adobe Suite, have prepared her well to be part of DMA’s team. She is a wonderful addition to our staff!
Jolene Moulder
Office Manager
Jolene is DMA’s bookkeeper and office manager. A farm girl from Kansas and the youngest of eight kids, Jolene attended Kansas State University, 获得文科理学士学位和中学教育理学士学位. 她在堪萨斯州立大学上学时遇到了克里斯·莫尔德,他们于1989年1月搬到了杰克逊. Now that their children, Lucas, Abbie and Ethan, are grown, Jolene已经从参与“儿童组织”转变为为山区路德教会的牧羊人服务, 在霍尔食品救援组织做志愿者,并担任杰克逊霍尔社区献血活动的协调员. A summer person, her free time is filled with hiking, kayaking, paddle boarding and fishing, and in the winter, staying warm and reading good books.